Our History


Where did it all start? 

In 1996 Rev. Vicky Gee started a house cell group in Luton with three new Christians. On March 29 1997 True Vine Fellowship (TVF) was officially birthed in Luton.

The church has since experienced steady growth with the majority of attendees being first time believers. They were nurtured, baptized in water and the Holy Spirit, and took up the call to ministry. Six years later membership increased to about 40 adults and 30 children. Sensing the need to purchase their own church building, in order to work more effectively for God, the church we continued to save financially whilst seeking God’s favour through fervent prayer and fasting.

In November 2003 God showed His favour to TVF and provided another venue. Membership continued to increase steadily to around 70 adults and 60 children. The vision to own a church building became more and more apparent. The church continued to save, persisting in prayer and fasting for more of God’s favour.

In June 2009 God showed His great favour to TVF once again. TVF completed on the purchase of 85 Park Street. TVF are grateful to God for all He has done for the church. Today TVF is a church which is still growing; embracing people from multi-cultural and multi-racial backgrounds who are willing to commit to living out their faith in accordance with God’s word.

TVF seeks new and creative ways to demonstrate God’s love and mercy. TVF believes that the wider Christian Church has been given the task of spreading the Good News of God’s Kingdom and bringing the reign and reality of Jesus into people’s lives.

Thanksgiving grapes